Category Archives: Theology, and Philosophy


Repost: I was in Costco recently and saw that the Christmas Decorations and gift baskets are on display and for sale a full month before Halloween. I was reminded of a C.S. Lewis essay. Xmas and Christmas — A Lost … Continue reading

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A reblog of submission

I have just discovered a good blog. This series of related posts is worth reading.

Posted in History, Literature, Languages, Art, Theatre, and Music, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Theology, and Philosophy | Comments Off on A reblog of submission

Baby boomer exmas muzak

Baby boomer xmas muzak is the worst music in the history of the world. It is secularizing, lowest common denominator, garbage.  Every nation without exception has a national religion and Christianity isn’t America’s.  Rule one of American Mammonism, offend no … Continue reading

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The Gervais Saga

Prehistory: The cornestone:> Read this after gervais principle: Then read all the articles in this series: Then read this: then this after moral mazes sequence and there is a war: then back to Michael … Continue reading

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Cyrus, David’s Heir?

What did it mean in the late sixth century BCE for the pagan king Cyrus, ruler of the foreign empire Persia, to be called “my shepherd” (Isa 44.28), and “his messiah” (Isa 45.1)? Is Cyrus also a “servant”? Indeed, while … Continue reading

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Godwin’d in 1, sometimes the comparison is apt, or: The horrors of progressivism and lopsided accusations of extremism.

Godwin’s law Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say -Warnings of slippery slopes not so fallacious. Pushing Infanticide -Denmark heirs of Mengele Monty Python oracles of our times –Here Eugenics in the United States -Although Californian/American progressivism inspired the Reich Abortion … Continue reading

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Bodies of the damned

What kind of body will the damned have? Will they be raised with glorious incorruptible bodies like our risen king’s? Will they be raised with another perishable body? It is frustrating enough that we know so little of the future … Continue reading

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The Minimum Wage Debate in link form

    The Minimum Wage is Racist Walter Williams Again Social Mobility in America The mainstream view on social mobility, and they speak with a british accent Sowell The validity of price controls in a given market is not an … Continue reading

Posted in History, Literature, Languages, Art, Theatre, and Music, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Theology, and Philosophy | Comments Off on The Minimum Wage Debate in link form

Markan Priority without Q, support from Mark 4 and parrallels

The synoptic problem-the explanation of the literary relationship between Matthew, Mark, and Luke-is intractable, despite (or perhaps because of) the efforts of brilliant men on all sides of the debate. Of the numerous possible relationships among the synoptics three are … Continue reading

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Drones, a Letter to the Editor

Posted in History, Literature, Languages, Art, Theatre, and Music, Theology, and Philosophy | Comments Off on Drones, a Letter to the Editor