Category Archives: Psychology, Anthropology, Economics

A reblog of submission

I have just discovered a good blog. This series of related posts is worth reading.

Posted in History, Literature, Languages, Art, Theatre, and Music, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Theology, and Philosophy | Comments Off on A reblog of submission

The Gervais Saga

Prehistory: The cornestone:> Read this after gervais principle: Then read all the articles in this series: Then read this: then this after moral mazes sequence and there is a war: then back to Michael … Continue reading

Posted in History, Literature, Languages, Art, Theatre, and Music, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Theology, and Philosophy | Comments Off on The Gervais Saga

The Minimum Wage Debate in link form

    The Minimum Wage is Racist Walter Williams Again Social Mobility in America The mainstream view on social mobility, and they speak with a british accent Sowell The validity of price controls in a given market is not an … Continue reading

Posted in History, Literature, Languages, Art, Theatre, and Music, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Theology, and Philosophy | Comments Off on The Minimum Wage Debate in link form

Denmark’s Terrible Gini Coefficient

Commentators pay frequent attention to the Gini coefficient of income in various countries to determine which countries are more ‘equal’, that is which countries have the lowest disparities between rich and poor. Equally frequent is the lack of attention paid to … Continue reading

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Progress 11 years on

How has the economy been doing for the since the bust of 2001? It is pertinent question for we often hear of Japan’s lost decade but not much of America’s. And while our situation may not be as dire as … Continue reading

Posted in Chartomancy | Comments Off on Progress 11 years on

Romney creator of Obamacare

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A rehash of Capital-Gains-less Effective income tax rates

A little late for tax season. In response to an article at the NBER highlighting the difference between income inequality and consumption inequality in the states I decided to look into effective federal tax rates as a function of income. If you … Continue reading

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An online ethnography of China

MissAnthroInternetExploration on Prezi

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Postmodernism isn’t post modernism

I have long been bothered by the notion of “postmodernism”. Outside of architecture it does not have a coherent definition. Applied to literature, culture, and philosophy it doesn’t come after modernism, modernism and postmodernism are contemporaneous and difficult to separate. … Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Theology, and Philosophy | Comments Off on Postmodernism isn’t post modernism

That’s the best the NSA has got?

“He was a San Diego cab driver who fled Somalia as a teenager, winning asylum in the United States after he was wounded during fighting among warring tribes. Today, Basaaly Moalin, 36, is awaiting sentencing following his conviction on charges … Continue reading

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